Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a thrilling fighting sport that only continues to grow in popularity all around the world. Because of its fame, it can be difficult to find reputable gyms to train at, especially when you are just starting out. If it’s help that you’re seeking, then check out our list below. We put together five easy tips that should help you find the best mix martial arts lessons that will get you on the right training path to becoming an MMA fighter.
Tip #1: Research, Research, and More Research
So, perhaps you’ve watched a fight or two on TV, or you have just heard so many people talking about this fighting art and have become swept up in this phenomenon. Regardless of how you’ve learned about these arts, it won’t look good if you go into a training lesson with next to no knowledge about the activity.
Check out professional and amateur bouts, understand the various styles and disciplines, know the names of different moves, be aware of the training equipment, etc. The more things you understand, the easier it is to apply this knowledge in your search for training. That way, you have a greater grasp on what good lessons should incorporate.
Tip #2: Determine Your Desired Fighting Style/Discipline
Anyone with a basic understanding of this style understands that you will never fight just one way. MMA requires striking and grappling, and stand-up and ground fighting. When you look deeper, there are various martial art disciplines and styles that fighters choose to focus on. In your search for mix martial arts lessons, determining how you want to fight and defend narrows down the training pool.
Are you more interested in the striking skills seen in Muay Thai, karate, or boxing? Interested in the grappling techniques found in judo, the various wrestling styles around the world, or even BJJ? A good fighter is one that’s well-rounded, yet they should still have a focus. Come up with what you’re comfortable pursuing, and it will better prepare you in selecting the corresponding lessons.
Tip #3: Check Out Different Facilities
Many gyms offer up MMA classes, so finding a facility should not be hard. It’s just finding actual good lessons that can lead you to murky waters. First, see how far you want to travel from where you live and work. Next, add a number of facilities to your list rather than just one or two as that will give you a wider range of options.
When you look at any gym, come in with a critical eye. The equipment should be safe to use, there should be a good emphasis on safety itself when it comes to exercising and sparring, and those within the facility should make the atmosphere as a whole comfortable and fun.
Also, find out the credentials of each facility and anyone who works there. Instructors should have a good experience. Additionally, some gyms may have a specific area that they focus on when training. For instance, there may be an emphasis on learning the arts just for self-defense, fitness, or there may be a gym purely for those who eventually want to compete.
More gyms are broken down even more depending on fighting style and martial art discipline. Some have hybrid classes where you’ll get to learn all about ground fighting, stand-up fighting, striking, and grappling. Others focus on one or two. Understand that you just may have to go to more than one gym if you can’t find hybrid classes.
Tip #4: Talk to Instructors Beforehand
Before you sign up for anything, try to get a word in with any instructor. Are they easy to approach and talk to? They should be willing and able to answer any questions you may have. We also previously mentioned checking experience and credentials; if you ask about their experience, they should never get defensive. Any good instructor should be fine with talking about their qualifications.
It further helps to speak with the other students. This way, you get an understanding about how they feel about the instructors and how they are taught. You will understand better whether or not the teaching methods from that instructor are what you are looking for. If, at any time, something doesn’t feel right, there is nothing wrong with moving on and finding a facility and instructor that makes you comfortable.
Tip #5: Take Advantage of Free Classes
Sometimes, you may luck out and find places nearby that offer up a free lesson or two in the form of a trial period. These trials may be a single lesson, last a week, etc. Call and ask around to see if anyone is offering these types of trials.
If you stumble upon one, jump on it. Not only will you be able to work with various instructors and students to see if these people are good to train with, you will discover if you are able to even handle the training that comes with MMA.
Many people go into this type of training completely unaware of just how far their bodies will be pushed until they have paid for lessons and wind up quitting because they can’t keep up or don’t enjoy it as much as they hoped they would. A trial period is perfect as you are not obligated to continue on and risk wasting money. A free lesson is also great at helping you figure out which fighting styles and disciplines you’re willing to use.
Try to Stay Patient
Remember during your pursuit of mix martial arts lessons that it pays to be patient. Take the time to look at different classes, students, and instructors. Keep yourself versatile and don’t be afraid to branch further out than where you live if possible. It takes dedication as well as patience to train in these arts, so remember this before investing in lessons.